In a report done on behalf of South Dublin County Council; Survey Site, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin Wintering Bird Report 03 May 2021, JBA Consulting Unpublished, recorded six species of birds of conservation concern in Ireland (BoCCI):
• House Sparrow – BoCCI: Amber List – Breeding*
• Meadow Pipit – BoCCI: Amber List – Breeding*
• Starling – BoCCI: Amber List – Breeding*
• Redwing – BoCCI: Red List – Wintering
• Black-headed Gull – BoCCI: Amber List – Breeding* & Wintering
• Herring Gull – BoCCI: Amber List – Breeding* & Wintering
*Only potential breeding status within the site
They found
“specific habitat utilisation by individual species is clearly evident with Meadow Pipit and Redwing utilising the natural grasslands and bordering scrub; while House Sparrow; Starling; Black-headed Gull and Herring Gull are associated with managed grasslands and adjacent urban areas”
Rathcoole Woodlands and the largest rewilding area in South Dublin, a biodiversity gem on our doorstep of significant conservation importance for birds, bats and habitats.