A 3rd Concept for Lands at Rathcoole was presented at the Council Meeting on Monday 8th May, 2023. The Concept covers an area of unique richness in protected habitats including:
- Alluvial Woodland, Annex I habitat priority Alluvial Woodland 91EO in Rathcoole Woodlands – confirmed
- Lowland Hay Meadow, Annex I habitat 6510, in Rathcoole Park – confirmed
- Tufa Springs, Annex I habitat priority ‘*Petrifying springs with tufa formation’ 7220 in Rathcoole Woodlands – confirmed
- Hydrophilous Tall Herb Swamp, Annex I habitat ‘Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels’ (Hydrophilous tall herb communities) 6430 in Rathcoole Woodlands and potentially the GAA lands – to be confirmed
and a substantial area of rewilding to Woodland, all connected to a managed Park land, Rathcoole Park. It is a unique and rare mosaic of habitats. It is a Wetland, sitting in the watershed of three streams, including the Camac which has serious flooding issues with a 3rd flood relief scheme being planned.
The 3rd Concept is to deliver Core Strategy 10, Specific Local Objective 1 of the County Development Plan:
To ensure that the provision of a primary school, library hub, 2 full sized GAA pitches and 1 junior pitch and associated pavilion, access road and open space is provided in tandem with new residential development having regard to the provisions of GI7 SLO2.
The 3rd Concept indicates all of the above except a library, and proposes 155-165 units, traveller accommodation, and a considerable road network. All this will severely diminish the rewilded area, reducing tree coverage including in Rathcoole Alluvial Woodland, disconnecting it from Rathcoole Park, and driving wildlife away. Rathcoole Park itself will be unrecognisable along with other proposals of a dog run, teen space and a half Court Multi Games space.
The expectation is that the Dept of Education will progress the 16 classroom school ahead of the SDCC housing which will come under a Part 8 or Part 10 process, with the GAA dealing with playing fields and pavilion.
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