We had the same concern when the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) was proposed and that is why we put in a submission opposing that development. There was absolutely no consideration of potential impacts on Rathcoole Woodlands nor was it recognised as a priority annex habitat although a submission was made clearly stating it was. When the SHD was approved by An Bord Pleanála, we joined with other concerned Residents Associations and started a judicial review that is ongoing.
The 4 phases are adjacent to Rathcoole Woodlands, exactly the same footprint as the approved SHD which is the subject of the judicial review. But this time, planning is only being sought for phase 1, SD22A/0347, with a view to separate planning applications for the remaining phases.
The consequence is that all the assessment reports; traffic, water, ecological, etc. will only deal with each phase separately, as is the case for this phase 1, SD22A/0347. There is no consideration of the potential impacts from development of the combined landholding, that is the cumulative effects, particularly on Rathcoole Woodlands.
We believe it would be better if the judicial review was completed before any further planning applications are approved for the land concerned.
We also consider that all reports would be better addressing development of the entire landholding to ensure both good planning and good outcomes for the environment, in particular our beloved Rathcoole Woodlands.
One of the reasons for no Environmental Impact Assessment is because Rathcoole Woodlands has no formal protected designation.
We are proposing to make a submission on behalf of our supporters. We are looking for your support. Please show your support for Rathcoole Woodlands, and come to:
Rathcoole Park
between 1 and 4 pm,
Sunday 2nd October,
view the submission, and, add your name and address to the submission and make a €20 donation to the Four Districts Woodland Habitat Group.
The money donated will go towards funding projects for the protection of Rathcoole Woodlands, including the Judicial Review.
Help keep Rathcoole Woodlands Safe.
Yours Sincerely
The Committee of the Four Districts Woodland Habitat Group